Random Blog A Musing Farf

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I am officially back into the dating scene. No, Husband and I are not separating a mere five months after the wedding so you can’t have your gifts back. But, we are making an effort to spend quality time together that does not involve sitting on the couch in front of the television until we fall asleep. So, we are going on actual dates.

On Friday, we went to Bond Street for sushi. Before dinner we showered and dressed in nice clothes. I put on make-up, which I almost never do. I even went for a bikini wax, like in the old days before an important date. (Even if I am the only one who knows I have been waxed, I just feel prettier) We splurged on a taxi and sat in the main dining room surrounded by couples having conversations where they went over basics like how many siblings they had or what they did for a living. Husband and I talked about nothing and everything. We laughed and teased each other. We split sushi and reminisced about our first few dates. Dinner ended but we were not ready to go home. We wanted more time together before the inevitable couch and television so we went to Sakagura (a sake bar with surprisingly good food) and had more sake and Otoro before going home to watch the end of the Mets game and walk the dog. It was like early in our relationship when we tried to impress each other with our grooming and wit, but without the feeling that if you say the wrong thing, you won’t get a call the next day.

I guess the date went well, because we scheduled our next date for the first weekend in November. This time we plan on hiking Bear Mountain (an annual event for us) followed by a fancy dinner at Blue Hills at Stone Barns in Westchester. He must like me to plan future events like this.

I think it could be serious.


Suzanne said...

Sounds lovely. Although I am a bit shocked that you missed the Mets game!

Anonymous said...

Wife forgot to mention I also acted responsibly by providing intermittent updates of the Mets score throughout dinner. I also wish to point out that we take taxis all the time, and I am not such a cheap bastard that taking a taxi out to dinner should be considered a "splurge." I agree though, the date was fun. Glad Wife had a good time!

Anonymous said...

Gotta keep the marriage fresh - forever! Even cheap dates are fine. Happy to hear you put on makeup! Have fun on all future dates.

Scott Stambler said...

cool site. nicely written. found thru a comment you left with Peg.

pinky is a good nickname. i call my wife Minerva once in a while. she seems to like it....