Random Blog A Musing Farf

Monday, March 05, 2007


Many of you know the story of Kaos, the homeless dog of a homeless man that Jenna amazingly rescued from almost certain death. Anyway as copied from other folks, here is the latest update…

Please help, if you can!

We’re trying to set up a transport for THIS WEEKEND (the 10th/11th), so if you live near the route (I-95 up through Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania) and have a couple hours to help
out, please check out the transport schedule and volunteer. Thanks!!! (PS If you live near Sims, NC, we need a place in that area for Kaos to spend the night on Saturday night.)

Kaos needs to be out of her current foster home by Sunday due to other circumstances with the foster family, and we’re trying to keep her from having to move into a second foster.

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