Random Blog A Musing Farf

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Grrr. Seriously. What the f*ck??? Wondering what has me so riled? That would be the NY Mets. You know, the first team in MLB history to be 7 games ahead in the division standings on September 12th to lose the division and not make the play offs.

I would love to write some metaphor about life and how a fast start does not necessarily lead to success, but I am too depressed…


Suzanne said...


Peg said...

I'm so sorry...I know what a fan you are (forgive me, please, for pulling for the Sox!!).

What about hockey? I love to watch those players fly across the ice...it's a great sport, with a nice long season!

Jessica said...

You are handling this about the same as my DH. All I heard the other night was " You have got to be f'ing kidding me". Not what I want to hear at the top of his lungs while I am sleeping. I on the other hand am a happy camper. Go Cubbies! ;)

Anonymous said...

Go Giants!