Sunday, January 28, 2007
I strongly identify as Jewish and even say prayers in my head every night before going to bed (usually just the Shema, although I also try to get through the Ashrai before I fall asleep). This goes back to my limited experience as a student at a Yeshiva called the Hebrew Academy from nursery school through 2nd grade. A teacher, Mrs. Burger, told us to say the prayers every night before bed and, since I loved her and wanted to make her proud of me, I started what became a lifelong habit. I even generally enjoy going to services (even if it is only 3x a year). I like the sense of community and of knowing the words to prayers that have been said for hundreds of years. There is something comforting, to me anyway, of holding a prayer book and reading the words.
Husband, on the other hand, is an atheist. He is Jewish by birth and went to Hebrew School until 13, when he became a Bar Mitzvah, but since then he has stepped in a Synagogue a total of 5 times – all for Bar Mitzvahs and weddings. Husband’s family is not very religious either, but despite some push and pull over Rosh Hashana, we have worked things out nicely in this respect with compromises on both sides. And, Husband has agreed to a unified front on religious matters (with me leading the charge) when we have kids, so I am not concerned.
I bring all this us because yesterday, Husband’s cousin was called to the torah as a Bar Mitzvah. The affair was wonderful (more food I have never seen!) and the Bar Mitzvah boy did a spectacular job with his Haftorah. And, if two specific incidents had not occurred yesterday, this post would be all about how every event should be capped off with freshly made cotton candy.
First, Husband was called to the Torah for an aliya during the service. This is a huge honor (one you usually know about in advance although we did not) where the person says the prayer before and after the reading of a certain portion of the Torah. Husband’s response to being tapped for this honor was to respond in horror, “Are you kidding me?” but the rabbi assured him the words were transliterated and he would be guided along. They allowed me to come up and accompany him. Now, poor Husband had never had such an honor and has no clue as to the prayers. I know them by heart. So, I joined in and sung in my loud, but off key voice, while Husband mumbled next to me. At the end, the rabbi shook my hand and told me I was wonderful. Then he turned to Husband and admonished him that he needed work. If my insisting on refraining from bread during Passover made me the most religious member of my new family, this sealed me as “super Jew.”
Then, during the reception, Husband’s cousin and mother of the Bar Mitzvah boy asked me if she should ask Husband’s uncle to say the ha-motzi (usual prayer over bread and often done to begin a meal) since he was the oldest male family member. See, one good aliya and I am already the go to person. I told her this was customary but when she asked him, he refused since he did not know the prayer. She then asked me if I would do it. I told her I would be honored, but since I was the newest family member, if she gave me 5 minutes, I would teach it to Husband and he could do it. Husband agreed and I began in Hebrew. “Barukh atah Adonai Elohaynu melekh ha-olam ha-motzi…” when suddenly Husband exclaimed, “lechem min ha-aretz! I know this one!!!!” He did the prayer in front of everyone and I was so proud.
And see, that’s the thing. Despite Husband’s atheism, tradition is important. Being called to the Torah is an honor and someone should be able to say a prayer over bread and begin a meal at a religious event. Before yesterday, I looked at religion in my family all wrong. I had always been nervous because Husband would never lead a Seder or take the lead in religious events, but that doesn’t mater because I can do it just like I did the aliya. Just because my father led any family services does not mean my husband has to do the same. And, in those rare circumstances where it is more appropriate for Husband to take the lead, it is nice to know he is willing and that in some cases he even remembers the words.
Friday, January 26, 2007
I stole a co-workers space heater so my fingers have finally thawed enough to type.
Six year ago I needed shots for a trip to Peru and my sister introduced me to the man who became my general practitioner. I love him. I have never said that about a doctor before. I hate doctors. I am terrified of them and my blood pressure shoots up considerably when around one. This is not something I can understate. My doctors watch me crumple into a crying mess, huddled in the corner in fear as soon as they enter the room. This is because the thing I am most terrified of in life is needles and, even when I don’t need a shot or blood work done, I am convinced the doctor will suddenly order it.
I am so scared that once, after fainting several times on the street, I refused medical treatment because it would require an IV. (Note: The medical intervention was clearly not required since the fainting never happened again).
This is why I love Dr. Jason Kendler. He understands my phobia and never requires unnecessary medication or injections. He even gave me a strategy for handling the epi-pen shots I need to give myself if I accidentally ingest a peanut (and his strategy of deep breaths and relaxation works better then the previous method of waiting until I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen).
I also love Dr. Kendler because he is a good person. He really cares about his patients. Once, when I was first dating Husband, I had an ultra-conservative OBGYN who required me to come into the office in order to obtain the morning after pill. She did not have an appointment available until the following week. Despite my pleas (and explanation that the morning after pill was not effective a week later) she refused to change her mind. I called Dr. Kendler and explained the situation. Thirty minutes later there was a prescription waiting for me at the local Duane Reade. He then referred me to a new OBGYN.
I could go on and on about all the wonderful things Dr. Kendler has done for me and how great he has been when I am sick (not to mention how cute he is!) but it makes me sad because he can no longer be my doctor. I recently found out that Dr. Kendler is leaving to start is own practice and will not be taking my insurance. I am devastated. I am seriously considering paying out of pocket to see him, but know that is ridiculous.
I would follow Dr. Kendler’s practice anywhere. I would travel to Westchester or Battery Park City to see him and, in this case, I wouldn’t have to. He is a mere cross town bus ride (or $5 cab ride) from my home. So convenient and yet unavailable to me.
So, I guess this is good-bye. Hopefully, I won’t get sick anytime in the near future since I am too scared to see anyone else.
(Note: I am also switching my dentist for health insurance reasons but am not nearly as heartbroken about it.)
According to, the temperature in NYC right now feels like -5 degrees. Despite having a 70 degree day less than a month ago, it is now freezing. I love that the weather is finally acting normal, but I have one major issue – there is no heat in my office and a draft coming through the window. While I expect to wear a hat, scarf and gloves outside, I am sitting typing this in my coat and gloves. It makes blogging very hard and working even harder…
Thursday, January 25, 2007
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1…. When I got married last year, I struggled over the decision whether to change my name and only decided to change it when my husband told me he did not care either way. Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. Janean 2. Amy 3. Suki 4. Raggedy 5. Kimo & Sabi (Leave your comment and I will add a link to you here.) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Last night, for the first time in 14 years, I did not watch the State of the Union. In fact, I did not even remember it was on until it was almost over and by then there was no point in watching, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t.
This is not even a commentary on George Bush but a general, “I can’t gather the energy to care anymore” commentary. Yes, I read the newspapers and know what is going on in Iraq. I keep appraised of who is running for what office and their opinions, but having been out of Washington, DC for almost 7 years now, I no longer care about the day to day stuff and, frankly, I find it boring. As such, I am no longer friends with many people I knew in DC, since DC people tend to only talk about politics. I am sorry to all of those folks I bored to death in the past.
Instead of the State of the Union, I watched Girls Next Door – the delightful reality television show about Hugh Hefner’s three 20-something girlfriends and their life in the Playboy Mansion. The girls are so dumb that you can’t help but watch them and laugh, which is, of course, the point of the show.
Last’s night’s episode involved Hef’s mid-summer lingerie party and the upcoming preparations. It also involved a make-over of a sister of one of the girlfriends (they were pretty much interchangeable so I am not sure which was which). During this episode, the sister gets a complete make-over from a cute curly-haired girl with reddish-brown hair and a causal way of dressing, into another Hef girlfriend clone. This is supposed to be an improvement.
Anyway, since there will be no State of the Union commentary from me this year, I thought I would do a Girls Next Door commentary. So, here goes: I find it amazing that these three girls all love together as best friends while dating the same guy. There appears (and this is my first episode so I may be wrong) that there is no jealousy or back stabbing. Everyone loves Hef and he loves everyone and they are all happy.
Also, during the waxing, one of the girls referred to unshaved public hair as a “power muff.” This did not stop her from getting waxed, but she seemed a little excited at the idea of using the term power muff. This was not bleeped out. However, when the waxer asked the sister if she would like her labia waxed, the word labia was bleeped. So, slang for pubes is totally acceptable but apparently the correct terminology for a female body part can not make it past the FCC censors. I thought that was interesting.
Anyway, I am not sure if there are other Girls Next Door watchers out there, but I would love to know why you watch the show and if the girls ever fight…
Monday, January 22, 2007
Forrest Gump only had it partially right. Life is like a box of chocolates, but it’s not true that you never know what you are going to get. You can keep poking the middle until you get the one you like. You have a choice in almost everything and the decision whether to have a child is no different.
Today is Blog for Choice Day, which works out well since I am completely incensed at an article in this week’s New York Times Magazine about so-called Post Abortion Trauma. The story features a woman named Rhonda Arias who spends Saturdays “helping women at the prison who have had abortions to understand how that procedure has stained them, and how it explains what has gone wrong in their lives.”
I am vehemently pro-choice. I think abortion should be not only legal but also readily available to a woman of any age and economic means. But I do more than just believe this. I put my beliefs into action and, with the help of Suzanne and a network of almost 100 volunteers, I run Haven Coalition. As many readers of this blog know, Haven provides women forced to travel to New York City to obtain a second trimester abortion with a safe place to sleep, transportation to and from the clinic, and a meal.
But, despite this, and unlike some of my fellow pro-choice activists, I can respect the sincerely-held opinions of anti-choice folks who truly believe that abortion is murder. Well, I respect them when their activities include things like expanding education for economically disadvantaged teens and teaching birth control.
The people who really make me mad, who really make my blood boil, are the ones like Ms. Arias in the New York Magazine story. Women who have had abortions and now regret the choice they made so they work to deprive everyone else of the same options.
Read - if you can stomach it – the except below:
[A]fter the [abortion in 1973], Arias says, strange feelings washed over her. “I remember having evil thoughts, about hurting children,” she said. “It was like I’d done the worst thing I could possibly do. A piece of evil had entered
In 1983, Arias became pregnant again and planned to keep the baby. But in the fourth month, she says, she became scared about raising a child alone. She called her obstetrician. He scheduled her for a second-trimester saline abortion the following morning. Arias said she woke up from the anesthesia to the certain knowledge that she had killed her child.
Because of this knowledge, she is now equally certain, she slipped into years of depression, drinking and freebasing cocaine… In her mind, all of her troubles — the drugs, the suicide attempt, the third and fourth abortions she went on to have, the wrestling match of a marriage she eventually entered — are the aftermath of her own original sin, the 1973 abortion. It’s a pattern she sees reflected everywhere: “In America we have a big drug problem, and we don’t realize it’s because of abortion.”
So let me understand: Ms. Arias has an abortion regretted it and then went on to have 3 more abortions? And, after the 4th abortion she realized what she was doing was wrong and now wants to keep other women from making the same mistake? Is she kidding???? How about a little introspection?
I do not deny that some people may regret their abortions. But, I see it more as a reflection of a culture that does not understand the there are some people who will always regret the choices they make – and, if abortion were more accessible and people were given better access to information, some of those people could have made informed decisions about whether or not to have a child.
Now, as the article points out, “[a]bortion-recovery counselors like Arias could focus on why women don’t have the material or social support they need to continue pregnancies they might not want to end. They could call for improving the circumstances of women’s lives in order to reduce the number of abortions. Instead they are working to change laws to restrict and ban abortion.” And, in restricting a choice from others, that they themselves were free to exercise, people like Ms. Arias prey on the most vulnerable members of society and make them believe that all of their issues stem from having an abortion. If Ms. Arias felt so bad about the first abortion, why did she go on to have 3 more? If she really wants to help incarcerated women, why doesn’t she focus on job skills and re-entry into society?
And, for all the people who may have regretted their decision (whether it was true regret or one foisted on them by “helpful” people such as Ms. Arias, there are also many people who are not sorry. Check out their stories at
And in the end, I am pro-choice because there should always be a choice. Regret your abortion and need counseling? Fine. Celebrate your abortion and the new lease on life it gave you? Even better.
Friday, January 19, 2007
A couple weekends ago, as many of you may remember, it was 70 degrees in NYC. I spent the weekend outside in Central Park and thought to myself, “I love this global warming thing.” Then it got cold (okay, not Midwest cold or even typical NY mid-January cold, but I needed a hat, scarf and gloves) and I was miserable. But then, this morning, it snowed a little and some of that snow actually stuck around for a couple hours. And I realized that as much as I love warm days, I also love snow and the winter.
I walked the dog to Biscuits and Bath to drop him off at doggie day care this morning. There is nothing unusual about this and Tiki and I do this walk daily. He doesn’t even sniff and explore on the walk anymore. He pees and poops in the same place daily and by this point, we see the same dogs doing the same morning walk that Tiki does not even try and play with them. Frankly, the walk had gotten a little boring for both of us.
But this morning things were different. Tiki walked outside and stopped in his tracks. He sniffed and pawed at the mysterious white substance on the ground. He licked it and some was stuck on his nose. He put a paw down and seemed surprised at the texture (or maybe temperature). I kicked some of the snow on the ground and Tiki chased the flakes. A child threw a snowball and Tiki lunged for it. The look on his face when the “ball” crumpled in his mouth was priceless. I would have done anything for a camera at that moment.
In response to the inevitable question: Yes. Tiki has seen snow before. We had a major snowfall last February and Tiki played and jumped in the snow banks. But he was only 4 months old and his time outside was limited. Plus, I think he had just forgotten how wonderful everything is when covered in snow – even if only a light dusting.
And that’s the thing. If, on some level, I did not love winter as much as summer, I would be living in Miami or LA. While I loved the warm days, I did not realize how much I missed winter until I got my first real reminder this morning of exactly what I was missing. I think Tiki was not the only one who had forgotten the wonders of winter’s first snowfall.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
An interesting shift has taken place lately. I have written a lot about trying to whittle down my list of friends to only those people I actually like (or who like me back) and about making new friends as an adult. However, in the last day or so, I have randomly heard from old friends with whom I have lost touch, and in some cases gone the extra step of rekindling those friendships.
It all started a few months ago when I received an anonymous post on this blog. I discovered the poster was none other than my friend Tina, from high school. We started emailing and I love being back in touch with her. Even though we live 3,000 miles apart and had not spoken in more than 10 years, emailing with her felt as though no time had passed. Now only to convince her to come east for a long weekend….
Then, on Tuesday, I was at the gym and happened to wear my oldest and most favorite t-shirt. It was given to me on the day I learned of my admission to Loomis Chaffee for high school and is something like 17 years old. A woman in the locker room stopped me to tell me that she had also gone to Loomis and after a minute or two of conversation, we realized she had been friendly with my big cousin. I forgot to ask her what her name was. (Sorry Chris!)
Yesterday, Ryan (another high school friend and one that I have remained in sporadic contact with) emailed a group of people with this Jet Blue ad. The person pictured in the ad was Tina’s prom date and a class behind us at Loomis. Because all of our email addresses were listed in the cc field (as opposed to B’cc), I received an email from my high school boyfriend, Eric. Readers of this blog know that back in September, I wrote a post wondering what happened to the boys I dated in high school. It turns out Eric is alive and well and living in the DC-metro area. I wrote back to him and also added a few emails to some other folks on this list such as Rachel, Leigh and Martha. I really hope I hear back from all of them, although I am not sure I will.
This little turn of events was interesting enough to write about, but this morning really clinched it. I was walking down the subway platform, oblivious to everything around me when all of a sudden, I heard someone call my name. Now, I am generally the worst person at recognizing faces of people I have not seen in a while, but I immediately gave a little squeal of delight and called back, “Lisa!” I have seen Lisa once in the last eight or so years (reading this post it is amazing how time rushes by without my noticing). She moved to NY first and we lost touch gradually, but I had always missed her and thought about her, which is not something I often do with people. She is also a newlywed and had left politics to work for my favorite magazine. We live a mere block from each other and it turns out, I have met her dog, Monte, on the street while walking Tiki. (Not sure whether the person walking the dog was her husband or dog walker though). Immediately we are back in touch and making plans for the next week.
So, even if I never hear back from the Loomis Chaffee set and my friendship with Lisa fades back (although this time, for some unexplainable reason, I don’t think it will), the timing of hearing from everyone is fantastic. If Wingin’ it is correct in his comments on a previous post and “some friendships are like a good beaujoulais...drink it while it's young then throw away the bottle and savor the memories” then it is equally true that maybe some friendships are more like a Bordeaux….in the beginning they are nothing exciting but if you come back to it when you are both a little older, they can be amazing.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Monday is the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and NARAL is arranging Blog for Choice Day. If you want to write about what legal abortion means to you on Jan. 22, click on the link to sign up and your blog will be linked on their site as a participant. They also provide the code to copy and paste in your post for the cool graphic that I otherwise could not have posted in this to get your attention, as I do not really understand this crazy internet code thing.
Suzanne will also have an article coming out soon on this topic. I am actually just on a little tiny break from depositions, but in the meantime I wanted everyone in the loop.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Last night Husband and I went to see Blood Diamond. As I sat in the theater, acutely aware of the diamond rings on my finger and the diamond studs in my ears, I took away the message that although the person from whom my diamonds were purchased certified them as “conflict-free,” you can never really tell where a diamond was mined and I am likely wearing these diamonds at the cost of someone’s life. But, while I sat there feeling guilty (admittedly, a fleeting guilt since I am wearing those same stones today), I also took away the message from the film that there is really nothing I can do (besides ask for a conflict-free certification for my diamonds, which I already do).
For some reason, the problems in Africa have been a particular focus for me lately. I recently finished “What is the What” and have been reading articles and watching documentaries about the conflict in Darfur. I wrote a $100 check to a relief organization and, for a brief moment, felt good about myself.
I remember learning about the Holocaust and the death of 6 million Jews. I remember my Hebrew School teacher lecturing us that the true evil at the time was not Hitler, but that the rest of the world stood by and did nothing. Now, I find myself in the same situation.
While I have been alive, genocide has been an on-going problem. Without even going into conflicts in the Middle East, approximately 2 million people have been killed in Sudan, 200,000 in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and one million in Rwanda. I was not a small child in during these conflicts, but an adult who could act on behalf of others. Yet I did not.
Why? Well, what can I do? I donate money and goods to groups like UNHCR but other than that, there really is no way to help. It’s not as though I can fly off to some far away land and broker peace talks. And, Hebrew School Teacher made it clear to us that it was the fault of individuals as well as governments.
While I have no problem blaming the various governments, the UN and NGOs, for not getting involved sooner in conflicts and stopping them before then escalate, as an individual, I have little power.
“Save Darfur!” the banner at the JCC declares. Sure. I am all for it. I just wish someone would tell me how.
Monday, January 15, 2007
So my girl date did not happen this weekend. This time N had to work, which was not awful because I was exhausted after spending the weekend at Mohegan Sun. It was a surprise party for Sister’s 30th birthday and a group of her best friends met us at the spa and hung out together Saturday night. I could not write about it before since Sister reads this blog daily. On the other hand, N and I spent over an hour on the phone and she suggested that we have dinner Friday night and invite our respective husbands so they could discuss football or some equally boring topic together. I think N’s husband and mine will get along well since they gave similar answers when N and I were on the phone making plans. Both essentially asked the same question, “There is a football game on. Why are you talking to me?” Like I said, they should get along fine.
I am really excited to make a new friend since it is so hard to do so as an adult, and lately, I have been phasing out friends who I hang around with out of habit so there are less and less people with whom I speak on a regular basis. For example, I have only spoken to P once since Christmas and that conversation lasted less then 10 minutes. Also, I did not call FL Friend on her birthday this year (although that was more an oversight since I was at Sister’s surprise spa weekend and I did try her last night) nor did I send her a gift when she had her newest baby.
Don’t get me wrong. I like doing nice things for friends and when FL Friend had her first baby, I sent a really thoughtful present. But, an interesting thing about having a wedding is that you see who likes doing nice things for you.
Husband and I were married on May 6, 2006. Technically, people have a year to buy us gifts and we have a year to write thank-you notes. However, all our thank you notes were completed by July (except for those for gifts that arrived after then, naturally) and we have pretty much figured that if someone has not bought us a gift yet, we are not getting one.
Some of the people who did not buy us a gift are expected and I do not fault them.
There is my high school friend who grew up as part of my family and lives in California as a writer. The mere fact he flew to NY and celebrated with us was gift enough. Or Husband’s high school friend who has never bought anyone a gift and lives at home with his parents after losing his job and apartment all within a year. But then there is CA couple that recently got married themselves. Husband and I flew to California and attended the wedding and even bought them a nice present (hoping it would serve as a reminder) but although we received a thank you note for the gift we purchased, they did not reciprocate the gesture. And CT friend for whom I lavish gifts on her children at every opportunity, but did not even buy a card. Or, FL friend who did not come to the wedding or buy a present. So no new baby gift for her.
The thing is, you can never mention the lack a of a present as a reason for talking to someone less and less since that would be considered rude, and at the same time I am also not asking to be given anything expensive – just a token acknowledging the event. And what makes it so much worse is that the people who neglected to buy us presents seem to be the ones for whom I spent the most effort over the years. Like a DC friend who spent many a night on my couch when he did not want to be home and who once told me once that I was his best friend. He is an attorney who makes a decent living so its not as though a sterling silver serving spoon would set him back too much.
Is it wrong to gauge how meaningful someone considers our friendship by whether or not he/she sent us a wedding present? I suppose there is something a little twisted about that, but on the other hand, even a card would suffice as acceptable.
So, if you find your phone calls returned less and less, a lack of holiday gifts for your children (who have never sent a thank you note anyway) or no new baby gift waiting for you when you return from the hospital, think about whether you have done anything to deserve it. Think about whether you have made it worthwhile for me to really be your friend. Sure, I am sad to lose you, but I will get over it. And in the meantime, you may find me having a drink with N and the new friends I am making.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I woke up in a fabulous mood this morning, got to work and watched my fabulous mood slide away. No one actually *did* anything to make me mad, it was just the little things that add up. First, there was no skim milk for the coffee. Is this petty? Totally, but I like my coffee with skim (whole milk makes my coffee taste too thick). Then, I walk into my office and the water bottle on my desk (yes, the germ covered water bottle that I have faithfully continued to refill from the fountain for the last several weeks) was gone – clearly thrown out by the cleaning staff. Now, I know that people say you should replace these bottles frequently, but I hate replacing my water bottle on a Friday when that means it will sit in the office collecting more germs over a long weekend. So, I decided not to buy a new water and am thus, sitting at my desk slowly dying of dehydration.
I have no reason to be in a bad mood. I am heading to a spa tomorrow for a day of pampering, have an out-of-town friend visiting tonight and then am spending Sunday having an awesome lunch followed by my girl date. I am 6 pounds from my target weight. Plus, no work on Monday. And, even better, Husband bought me a ticket to London to visit Mara and I am so excited I don’t even care that the flight is on American Airlines and I have to fly them a mere two months after vowing to be done with them forever. Who cares because I…am…going….to….London!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!
However, I am cranky so I decided to blog today about things the annoy me. Not big things like racism or the drycleaner losing the jacket to your favorite suit, but those little things that turn a good mood into a foul mood.
Food: I am allergic to peanuts. If I ask you if something has nuts, do not guess. And, people who do not realize the peanut butter cookies contain nuts are just stupid. I really prefer not to die because someone else is a moron – although likely, that it how it will happen. Oh, and is it too much to ask that if I put a sandwich in the work refrigerator that you don’t put your frozen entrée on top of it and smoosh it? Think people! Our work fridge is bigger then my one at home and there is tons of space. Use a different shelf or move my sandwich.
Subway: Walk left, stand right! It is really not that hard. And, move all the way into the train. Otherwise it’s your fault when I bang into you trying to get on so stop glaring at me.
Phone calls: If you call my home phone and I do not answer, it is acceptable to call my cell. However, if I don’t answer my cell, do not call my home phone again. If I am not home, I am not likely to be home a few seconds later and if I did not answer either call, I clearly have no interest in talking to you at that moment. Besides, I never check my home phone messages anyway.
Friends/Family: People who excuse the rude behavior of another by saying “Oh, ignore it. You know how ____ is.” Fine. If I have to make excuses for you because you are rude and everyone puts up with it, then make the same excuse for me when I get mad and put up with it.
Hmmm. You know this exercise has been a little cathartic. My mood is no longer bad. Plus, while writing this I ate my smooshed sandwich (which was still tasty – brie, swiss sprouts, tomato and honey-mustard on a croissant.) and finally bought a bottle of water. Not bad.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I have been a lazy blogger lately and, I have to admit it’s because I have gone through life for the last few days simply out of routine. You know where you call up an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while and then realize you have nothing to tell her? Well, that is how I have been feeling.
Mostly, this is due to my insane work schedule the last week or so. I have been billing an average of 10 hours a day (and remember, not all time at the office is billable!). Yes, I know to big corporate lawyers like Husband and Father, this is nothing, but to little old me, it is insane.
The worst part of the recent work schedule involved the cancellation of a social appointment to which I was very much looking forward – my “girl date” with N. Husband and I met N and her husband when we all coincidentally signed up for a couples cooking class at the JCC. The fact that N still wanted to be friends after she witnessed Husband and Brother-in-Law cracking up at jokes that no one else thinks are funny, is a testament to the fact that she must be incredibly tolerant.
Anyway, N was wearing a fabulous Burberry coat (seriously, I have been coveting it for months!) and I complimented her on it and then we started talking. We exchanged email addresses and made plans to grab a glass (or two) of wine on Monday night. Sadly, I worked until almost 11pn so I had to cancel. N was totally good natured (her husband has a job similar to Husband’s job and thus, she is used to work interfering with social plans).
We rescheduled our girl date so at least we can still have can have to get to know each other over a bottle of wine, but I looked really cute. I was in a suit for work, but it was flattering and trendy and I even wore make-up and blew out my hair (Sister would be proud!). I was more nervous for this date then for any date I’ve ever been on with a boy.
I know some would say it is ridiculous that I went to so much trouble for someone that, if they are to really become my friend, needs to like me for me and not for my clothing, but I was nervous. Making new acquaintances is easy, but making new friends is hard and I wanted to make a good impression.
So we are rescheduled for Sunday evening. Now, what to wear….
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Birthday celebrations abound. Tonight the entire family (Mother, Father, Sister, Brother and Husband) are having dinner at Dos Caminos to celebrate the beginning of her third decade. Then tomorrow night a group of friends are continuing the Mexican food birthday with Margaritas at Mi Niditos. Finally, on the 13th of January, Mother, Sister and I are heading to Mohegan Sun for a spa weekend. (The spa weekend is also a belated Mother’s Day gift).
Happy birthday, Sister. I have known you your entire life and am very excited for you. If nothing else, your hair is more manageable!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Husband bought me a bicycle for Hanukkah this year (among other things). It is a Specialized Sirrus Sport bike and I love it.
I went riding on Saturday and Sunday of this weekend and, despite the realization that I am totally out of shape, had a blast. I even went so far as to research when Central Park is closed to cars (7pm-7am M-F and all day on weekends) so I know when I can safely ride in the park (I am not so skilled as to want to battle rush hour traffic).
I had a bike before this one. It was a Specialized Rockhopper and I loved it. But alas, it was stolen out of the bike storage room in my old apartment building, despite having several locks and being wrapped in a chain. This is NYC and I knew the risks of leaving a nice bike out of my sight, even if it was in a locked room in my apartment building. The new bike has no lock and chain for the simple reason that it will never be stored anywhere but inside my apartment. And, I am not using it for commuting purposes so it will never have to be locked during the day.
Besides being a very cool new toy, my new bike is an essential component in my plan to be back in shape by August 18th, when Wuzi gets married. I want to look like I did at my wedding (not the dress and make-up, but the chiseled arms and tight butt) for hers. I am back to the gym and thinking of going back to boot camp.
Last night I skipped an appointment with my personal trainer in order to have dinner with Husband. I rarely get to have dinner with Husband so I consider it a worthy trade-off, but I need to go back to when the gym was an appointment I kept as though it was work-related. And, I am back on my diet. No more dessert and no more fried foods. It is a sad fact that I am happier when I am thinner. Not just vanity but also because I feel good about myself and the diet, biking and general exercise plan gets me there.
I think the trick is to come up with an exercise plan that is also fun. That is why the bike is so perfect. I rode six miles on both Saturday and Sunday (I would have done more but without the proper shorts my tooshie really hurt!) and am eagerly waiting for my next ride.
Now if only I can convince Sister to go back to boot camp….